Speech-Language Pathologist and Clinical S-LP Team Lead
Areas of Specialty/Interest:
Gender-affirming voice and communication therapy
Language disorders (receptive, expressive, and social)
Speech sound disorders
Voice disorders
Accent/Dialect Modification
I am passionate about helping individuals find their voices and empowering lives
Graduated in 2009 from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Whitewater, WI USA)
Master of Science Degree - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Graduated 2005 from Carthage College (Kenosha, WI USA)
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Major - Music; Minor - Asian Studies, Piano Pedagogy Certificate
I am originally from Whitewater, Wisconsin USA, and started working at Boreal Clinic in 2021
I have a piano pedagogy degree
When not at work, you can find me creating music alongside my husband, adventuring with my family, or capturing the beauty of the Yukon through photography or film